Monday, January 25, 2010

Waiting and Praying

Have you ever thought about why you pray and pray, and there seems to be no answer? I have, and surely you have, too.

God always answers prayer. There are 4 types of answers. First, “Yes”, and it means the way you expected. Second, “Yes” but not exactly like we expected it. Third, “No”; just plain, simple no. The four is the broadest category. It is characterized by “wait”.

Waiting is the hardest thing. Why does God makes us wait? Maybe the time is not right. Maybe someone has to do something first, or be somewhere first. Maybe we have to learn something first. Maybe we have to be chastened. Who knows except our loving savior. One thing for sure, if we quit praying, the answer will not come.

So let us wait patiently. Let us pray for each other. Let us not give up.

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