Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bible Inerrancy

Inerrancy of the Bible is an important topic. If the Bible is wrong, so is Christianity. How a person interprets the Bible is important, too. Someone adopting an allegorical method of interpretation is not much better than an outright Bible denier, for with that method they can attach any interpretation and leave others at the mercy of the "elite" group who has the knowledge and training to make the interpretation. Only those "elite" are correct; a plain, normal reading and understanding of the Bible must be thrown out, unless it furthers their cause.

No where is this seen more than the first eleven chapters of Genesis. Here is another article where the "elite" throw out the plain, normal understanding of the Bible.

The devil works hard to insure that his people get into places of power. Then with deception and their weak commitment to the truth uses them to corrupt the people. Truly this is the last days falling away.

Eight geologists, writing in Modern Reformation (magazine of Dr. Michael Horton’s White Horse Inn ministry), argue specifically that the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), and by inference committed Christians in all other denominations, should reject Noah’s Flood as geologically significant and adopt an old-earth view of Genesis.1 That is, they claim, because science, acting as “general revelation,” has demonstrated Earth’s antiquity (4.6 billion years) beyond any reasonable doubt. To support this assertion, they present two technical arguments as examples. Read this article, Summary of a Response to “PCA Geologists on the Antiquity of the Earth”

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