Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Some Notes About Hell


Some thoughts from a Dr John R. Rice article in "Sword of the Lord", 3 September 10

A1 Sheol
B1 Objection: sheol does not mean "hell"; it always means "grave".
B2 Objection #2: Luke 16 is a parable, not true history
B3 Answer:
C1 Means: the place of the unseen, the place of the dead
D1 For unbelievers: sheol means hell
C2 The word sheol is never used in reference to any grave or sepulcher in the Bible
D1 OT Examples of grave
E1 Rachel's (Genesis 35:20)
E2 Abner (2 Samuel 3:32)
E3 Barzillai's father (2 Samuel 19:37)
E4 Josiah's (2 Kings 22:20)
E5 All use the word "qeber" or qeburah"
D2 NT examples of grave
E1 John 5:28: "...all that are in the graves shall hear his voice...". The word here is "mnemeion".
E2 John 11:17, 31, 38: grave of Lazarus. The word here is "mnemeion".
E3 Matthew 27:52-53: "...many graves were opened and many bodies came out of the graves..." after resurrection. The word used is "mnemeion".
D3 Examples of the use hell
E1 In the OT
F1 Deuteronomy 32:22: "...For a fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall burn unto the lowest hell..."
G1 Does God's anger burn into the lowest hell?
G2 Or does God's anger burn into the lowest grave?
F2 Psalm 86:13: "For great is thy mercy toward me: and thou hast delivered my soul from the lowest hell."
G1 Was David's soul delivered from the lowest hell?
G2 Was David's soul delivered from the lowest grave?
F3 2 Samuel 22:6 and Psalm 18:5: hell is a place of sorrow for many
G1 Do many have sorrows in hell?
G2 Or do many have sorrows in the grave?
D4 Hell fire
E1 Matthew 5:22; 10:28; 13:40-42, 49-50; 23:33; 25:41, 46: Mark 9:43-49.
E2 "All them speak of eternal torment, and most of them speak of fire. If Jesus said that Hell is a place of torment, then it is; and it doesn't matter whether the word "hades" or "gehenna" is used in the original Greek manuscripts."
D5 Luke 16:19-31
E1 Not parable
E2 True history, because:
F1 Definite name--Lazarus.
F1 No parable any where does that.
F2 Prodigal son or his father were nameless.

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