On a post about Nidal Malik Hasan and a fear to report aberrant behavior, David Cloud writes:
That exposes the foolish “political correctness” that has taken over the U.S. military, which is more zealous to please the feminists, environmentalists, Muslims, and lawyers, than it is to fulfill its obligation to protect America from all enemies. The root problem, though, is not the weakness of the military; the root problem is the apostasy and cowardliness of the nation’s preachers, which refuse to proclaim the fear of God boldly and without compromise. As a result, the nation has been robbed of its wisdom and power. The solution, therefore, from the Bible believer’s side is not to focus on politics and immerse himself in conservative talk radio; the solution is to focus on godliness, in our individual lives and in our churches. “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).[Emphasis is mine]
Too many Christians want to immerse themselves in politics which leads us away from our God given duties as Christians. If you want politics, fine, but when you spend much time in politics, you are a failure as a Christian.
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